Job Position ESR1 – Ref. PhD 2017-49

Research Training Project ESR1:

The research project to be developed by ESR1 will be mainly focused on the synthesis of compound libraries using flow chemistry and establishment of alternate biochemical assay systems targeting HBV capsid assembly and HBV polymerase activity, including microfluidics. Moreover, ESR1 will have:

Main Tasks

  • Organic synthesis (both batch and continuous flow) of different families of compounds though selected transformations
  • Medicinal chemistry (design of bio-active molecules and test in biological assays)
  • Automatization and design and development of prototypes of microchips for their integration in in vitro bioassays.

Skills and Experience 

  • Master degree in organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, biomedicine, or similar
  • Experience in organic synthesis or medicinal chemistry, including skills in analysis techniques as HPLC, NMR, GC, etc.
  • Strong background in experimental laboratory work
  • Team orientated, problem solving, creative thinking
  • Strong oral and written communication skills
  • Fluent English skills
  • Experience in continuous flow chemistry and microfluidics
  • Experience in molecular biology (e.g. fluorescence quenching, assay validation using reference inhibitors)
  • Experience in general in silico drug design tools as ChemDraw, Pymol, docking related (e.g. GOLD), or similar.
  • General willingness to learn basic German language

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